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partially (new) patriarchal, gathered at a conference to resurrect the living knowledge still in their heads. Being
from different parts of the world, they had a language problem, so they devised the Tarot deck to communicate with
each other through symbols they all had agreed upon. Thus, the human condition was reduced into twenty-one forces,
and later enlarged to seventy-eight pictures.
The Tarot, I suspect, comes from matriarchal origins. Those scientists didn't just make up a brand new thing in the
world of divination.
The European fortune-telling deck has thirty-two cards, and though I prefer the more sophisticated Tarot deck, I use it
according to European rules. My mother taught the system to me. She had learned it from an old witch, Victoria, who
worked for my mother's house in rural Hungary.
I consider the Tarot primarily a tool for meditation. The Tree of Life, which is the format of the basic layout, comes
from ageless times past, going back to early portrayals of the Goddess as a tree. The Tree of Life is a primary symbol
of human evolution and understanding of the universe.
My method: Sit squarely and comfortably with the friend whose cards you are reading, and both of you anoint your
hands with a purifying oil; Van-Van, sandalwood and myrrh are great.
I don't talk about anyone in particular while I shuffle the cards, but center myself focus on the other person. I cut the
cards with the left hand, toward the left, three times. Therefore, the first time, cut the deck in half, pick up the pile that
is remaining, and place it on top of the other. Do this three times; think each time of inspiration from the Nymph,
Maiden, and Crone.
Then I give the cards to the other person. She also shuffles them until they are "cooked" (feel right), and cuts the cards
with the left toward the left three times, thinking about inspiration from the Nymph, Maiden, and Crone.
Now I place the cards down, one at a time. The top (first) card is always the significator. Instead of choosing a card
ahead of time, the querist "creates" (through inspirational shuffling) her significator, which is indicative of her general
condition. You can check this for validation with her. If the first card doesn't seem accurate, try the next card as a most
discernible force around her. If it still cannot be validated, give up the reading. There is no shame in saying that this is
the wrong time. This hardly ever happens; in my years of Tarot work, it has only happened to me twice. (Once the fate
of the mother showed up instead of the daughter.)
Assuming things go smoothly, proceed to lay out the Tree of Life.
The cards can show up in different positions, which make their meaning different. I interpret reversed cards the same
way as upright cards. You have to use your native wit to discern the meaning that is attached to the cards themselves,
and to the position they show up in. The two together, synthesized, make a good reader.
The significator (1) indicates the general condition, also the middle of the heart, of the querist. Covering it in the next
position is the force presently acting upon the matter (2). The next card's position is crossing the previous one,
meaning the obstacle (3) in front of the querist. Often the covering card and the obstacle card reinforce each other; in
that case, note the strength it creates. These three cards constitute the "heart of the matter."
Above this is the general sky under which all other forces are occurring 1). This position influences all other cards and
indicates an overall direc-on of the person's endeavors.
Under the significator card is the position of the ' 'root'' of the person's life (5) often something that has already
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happened, which laid the foundation for the present situation. For example, it often shows sorrows of the past that the
person has not yet forgotten, not present troubles.
The past position is to the left (6). It must be the immediate past, not years ago. To the right (of the significator, as the
one to the left) is the immediate future card (7).
On the far right, moving one by one, lay out four cards, beginning at the bottom. First is the "self" card (8) what the
self is concerned with, this card is a reflection, and often is a correlation to the significator card, they must make
logical sense together, since they are part of the same personality.
Next is the "house" (9) where the querist lives forces around her in her dwelling.
Above that is the card of "hopes and fears" (10): not necessarily fact, unless in the major arcana, in which case it is.
The last card is the "outcome" (11), which shows a resolving of the conflicts. If it is a small arcana card, search
through the next three cards for a major arcana to see a direction predestined for the end results. If you don't have it
within three cards, forget it; just know the matter is going to take time.
Patterns are interwoven throughout the layouts. Look for the "reality level." This is in the middle section, including the
heart, the past, the future, the house, and the fears. See the directions of how the person deals with difficulties. Look
for courses of future behavior. Count aces; count queens, take stock of the spread before you open your mouth at all.
Small arcana are choices; major arcana are predestined forces, which are karma.
Count up the suits to discover the person's "theme" of life. Any predominant suit indicates the theme of the reading.
WANDS: work, growth, energy CUPS: pleasure, emotions
SWORDS: struggle, challenge
PENTACLES: money, earthly subsistence and concerns
Next, look at the numbers. If any repeat three times, that is like an extra card. Check your numerology; take it
seriously. Themes sometimes emerge through the numbers.
Remember, the cards are to show wisdom. Never let a querist leave without hope. There is no ultimately bad spread. A
good reader searches for the silver linings, and helps the querist face bad times with good counseling.
The Meaning of the Cards (as I have found them)
Magician: Psychic talent for whoever gets this card. If the person is a witch, it is a good time to perform magical
deeds, to direct psychic force. Matriarchal values overcome the patriarchy.
The High Priestess: Moral clarity; knowing what is good for you and what isn't. Teachings from the Goddess through
dreams; could be the influence of a spiritual woman upon the querist; Dianic teachings (moon orientation in
spirituality), woman orientation, often turning to the Movement. The querist takes herself more seriously and trusts her
own judgment.
The Empress: This is the second aspect of the great goddess, Venus-Aphrodite, Lady of Plenty. She brings love
relationships, but also fertility of ideas, inventions. She never comes up empty-handed; enough to eat and boogie with.
She brings woman consciousness, generosity, sunny outlook, good feeling. If opposed with swords, she wins in the
The Emperor: Preoccupation with power, and where power comes from; how to attain it, how to use it. The type of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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