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venture so far out along the caravan trails?"
Clissum, rolling his eyes to the sky, spoke in his richest tones: "As I spend
the seconds of my life on this dying world, I am never dismal nor sodden with
woe! There is too much glory, too much wonder! I am a pilgrim on a life-long
quest; I search here, there, everywhere, for that elusive quality  "
Perruquil said impatiently: "How does this bear upon your asthma?"
"The connection is both implicit and explicit. I vowed that, come what may, I
would sing my odes at the Festival, even if contorted in the face from an
asthmatic fit. When I found that I might journey in the clean upper air, my
rapture knew no bounds!"
"Bah," muttered Perruquil. "Perhaps we all are asthmatic; Varmous has never
troubled to ask."
During the discussion, Varmous whispered into Cugel's ear. "Ermaulde reveals
that she is pregnant with child! She fears that, if subjected to the jolts and
jars of the carriage, an untoward event might occur. There is no help for it:
she must ride in cushioned ease aboard the
"I agree, in all respects," said Cugel.
Their attention was attracted by Ivanello's merry laugh. "I have full faith in
Varmous! Why? Because I paid double-fare for the best possible accommodation
which, so he assured me, I could choose myself. I therefore select the after
cabin. Cugel can bed himself down with the other teamsters."
Cugel gave a distinct sniff, and spoke sharply: "In this case, Varmous
referred only to the carriages. A lad like you will enjoy jumping on and off
and gathering berries along the way. The
Avventura has been reserved for persons of taste and breeding, such as Clissum
and Ermaulde."
"What of me?" cried the ecclesiarch Gaulph Rabi. "I am studied in four
infinities and I sit as a full member of the Collegium. I am accustomed to
special treatment. In order to perform my meditations I need a quiet place,
such as the cabin."
Nissifer, with a rustling and a sour smell, took two steps forward. She spoke
in a curious husky whisper. "I will ride the ship. Whoever interferes will be
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Ivanello threw his head back and looked at the woman through half-closed lids.
"'Tainted'? How do you mean 'tainted'?
"Do you truly care to learn?" came the husky whisper.
Cugel, suddenly alert, looked around the group. Where were Doctor Lalanke and
his wards? In sudden apprehension he ran around to the gangplank and bounded
His fears were well realized. The three mimes had secluded themselves in the
after cabin. Doctor Lalanke stood in the doorway making signals. At the sight
of Cugel he cried out in vexation: "Irritating little creatures! Once they
decide upon a whim they are beyond control. Sometimes I am beside myself with
frustration; I admit it freely!"
"Nevertheless, they must leave my cabin!"
Lalanke showed a wan smile. "I can do nothing. Persuade them to leave however
you like."
Cugel went into the cabin. The three maidens sat on the bunk watching him
through large gray eyes. Cugel pointed to the door. "Out with you! This is the
captain's cabin, and I am the captain."
The maidens with one accord drew up their legs and folded their arms around
their knees. "Yes, yes, charming indeed," said Cugel. "I am not sure whether
or not I have the taste for such epicene little creatures. Under proper
circumstances I am willing to experiment, but not in a group of three which
would be distracting. So come now: remove your fragile little bodies, or I
must eject you."
The maidens sat still as owls.
Cugel heaved a sigh. "So it must be." He started toward the bed but was
interrupted by the impatient voice of Varmous. "Cugel? Where are you? We need
to make decisions."
Cugel went out on deck to find that all the 'premier' passengers had climbed
the gangplank and were disputing possession of the cabins. Varmous told
Cugel: "We can delay no longer! I will bring up the caravan and we will tow
the boat behind the first carriage."
Cugel cried out in fury: "There are too many passengers aboard! Four must take
to the carriages! Meanwhile Doctor Lalanke and his troupe have taken my
cabin!" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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