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the bruised nipple that lay under Max s old white T-shirt, starting a tingle that grabbed Teague s groin in both hands.
Abruptly, the sexual desire that had been teasing Teague all day what, between Jacky, Katy, and the Lady of the
house-- burgeoned into something so full under his chest that it stopped his breath.
 No more of that, hey? Green asked softly, and Teague was caught helplessly in those kind emerald eyes.
 I don t need it when I m with a woman, Teague muttered, and Green moved his hand and rubbed the other
 No, brother it s only when you reach for something for yourself that you think it needs to hurt, and with that,
Green turned him towards Jacky s breathing body, naked and wrapped up in a quilt from Green s own bed. Teague
stretched a little, touched a naked, pale shoulder sticking out from under the quilt and stroked the skin with one finger,
like a little girl touching a rabbit.
 He&  Teague s shoulders began to shake, and he scooted across the bed to rest his head on the spare bones of
Jacky s hip, wiping his eyes on his hands.  He deserves better than me, he said at last, rubbing his cheek against that
quilt-swaddled, hard, lean body.
Green reached out and stroked Teague s shoulder, wondering how many people thought Teague was a tough
sonovabitch who didn t give a flying pig s shit about anyone or anything.  He deserves to be happy, Teague, Green told
him softly,  and you make him happy.
Teague nodded, not breaking contact with the sleeping man in his bed.  Okay, he murmured, as though
accepting something that had been offered.  Okay. He wiped his eyes then and sat up, trying to settle a tough look over
lean, pretty features. When he spoke, his voice was firmed up, like a man s, and Green pinched the bridge of his nose
and fought the urge to kick him.
 Thank you for this, Green, Teague managed,  I can t thank you enough&  and as quickly as that, the trauma of
the day took over, and Teague lost out to the pain and the fear and the terror that had been blasting down his blood vessels
since he d first seen Katy, terrified and angry, looking for an escape from that shithole.
Green wouldn t let him weather the storm alone.
By the time the last sob shook his scrawny Irishman s frame, Teague was sitting in Green s lap like a
child. Green kissed his temple then, and murmured things about what a good boy he was, to take such care of Jack Barnes
like that, and how smart he had been to keep Jack alive. Teague hiccupped a little, and Green took off his jeans then, his
touch as clinical as a doctor s, in spite of Teague s prettiness and the way his stubborn tough pride had always moved
Green s heart.
Green tucked him in, next to Jacky, and leaned over and kissed his cheek again.
 You ve got your second chance, mate, he murmured.  I tried to claim him for you, but you didn t take my
gift. You ve made it clear you ll follow him anywhere but he doesn t want you there unless you make him yours.
 Mine, Teague echoed, tightening his arms around Jack s chest. Jack murmured in his sleep and Teague rubbed
his cheek against his partner s back.  I ve never had anyone that s mine.
Green shook his head then and left them to sleep, laughing softly at the foolishness of humans. Of course Jacky
was his Jack had told Green repeatedly as their bodies had twined and heaved and mingled, that the dumb motherfucker
was the only home he wanted.
Green found Cory in his bed when he returned, in spite of the fact that he usually cleaned up both his sheets and
his body after healing somebody.
She was naked, and looking at him very determinedly.
He stripped his sweats and slid into sheets that smelled like sex between two men and felt her hands smoothing
over him, reacquainting herself with him, marking him for her own, and he almost sighed with the healing she gave her
healer, just by possessing him as her own.
 If we make love here, she whispered, moving down to his swelling cock and licking experimentally,  will we
feel them? Jacky and Teague? She engulfed him then, and he gasped, throwing his head back as her lips traced his head
through his foreskin, and then moved lower, taking him all the way to the base. It had taken her practice to do that, he
thought vaguely. Practice made perfect, and she did it again, and all of his control left him and he groaned richly, arching
his hips and letting her touch replenish everything he gave to the rest of the world.
 Will we? She persisted throatily, her lips moving slickly against his head as she spoke, and he groaned again.
 Yes&  Because the smell of him and Jack was all around the two of them, and she throated him to his base
again in reward for his answer.
 Good, she said when she came up, moving her lips around his purpling head,  because they were perfect, and
Teague& he was so much like him&  her voice trailed off, and Green said the name for her.
 Oh yes, Cory tasted him again and again and again, until his fist knotted in her hair and her mouth closed
around his base, and he came, willingly giving over all of his power, all of his pain, to her willing mouth and her sweet,
soft body, and her vast, sensual heart.
Being Teague s [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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