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Dire masterwork swordaxe +9 attack 2 2
1d8+8 damage
Javelin +4 attack Spells Readied
1d6+3 damage 0-Level: bash, canny effort, detect magic, ghost sound, hygiene
1st-Level: mind stab, precise vision, safe fall, lesser transfer
Skills wounds
Skill Modifier 2nd-Level: lesser beastskin, see invisibility
Concentration +9
Intimidate +10 Roleplaying Notes
Spellcraft +4 You are prepared for any situation. You
Spot +6 can cast spells, although you don't
fully understand everything there is
to know about magic. You can be a
bit brash at times, but you always
feel up to any challenge.
Between Life and Death: Spryte Magister
Spryte Magister
Character Information Gear
Character Level: 5 Magister s staff
Race: Spryte Tindertwigs (4)
Class: Magister3/Spryte2 Flash powder (1)
Speed: 10 (fly 30) Paper, ink and pen
Initiative: +4 +1 ring of protection
Size: Tiny Wand of energy bolt (electricity) (10 charges 5th level)
See invisibility potion
Ability Scores Four gems for energy template spells
Ability Score Modifier
Strength 8  1 Feats and Talents
Dexterity 18 +4 Great Fortitude
Constitution 10 0 Eldritch Training
Intelligence 17 +3 (+1 to DC of all spells, +2 if two spell slots are used)
Wisdom 8  1 Energy Mage (Electricity)
Charisma 14 +2 (adds +1d6 to any damage inflicting spell)
(adds +1 round of stun if already an electricity spell)
Hit Points and Armor Class
Hit Points 20 Special Abilities
AC 17 Charm (heightened), ghost sound, lesser glowglobe, invisibility
Flat-Footed AC 13 (self only) each 1/day
Touch AC 17 Detect magic at will:
Levels stack for caster level (caster level 5th)
Saving Throws Fly at speed 30 (average maneuverability)
Save Modifier
Reflex +7 Spell Slots Per Day
Fortitude +3 Level Slots
Will +3 0 5
1 3
Weapons and Damage 2 2
Weapons (+2 melee, +7 range)
Small staff +2 attack 1d4 1 damage Spells Readied
0-Level: appropriate size, detect creature, disorient, door warning,
Skills lesser repair, lesser telekinesis, touch of nausea
Skill Modifier 1st-Level: fireburst, obscuring mist, lesser compelling question,
Alchemy +7 open lock, shock
Concentration +8 2nd-Level: bypass ward, energy blade, lesser battle healing
Escape Artist +8
Intimidate +7 Roleplaying Notes
Knowledge (Magic) +12 You never let your size be seen as a liability, even though
Search +8 everyone around you is so much larger. You revel in
Sneak +16 magical energy specifically electricity and in lore. If
Spellcraft +10 it's magical, it's interesting (if it's not magical, then it's
not interesting).
Betwen Life and Death: Verrik Mind Witch
Verrik Mind Witch
Character Information Gear
Character Level: 5 Witchbag
Race: Verrik Light crossbow (20 bolts)
Class: Mind Witch5 +1 round shield
Speed: 30 Acid flasks (2)
Initiative: +2 Cloak of resistance +1
Size: Medium Lesser battle healing potion (2)
Lesser beastskin potion
Ability Scores Backpack and 50 feet of rope
Ability Score Modifier Hooded lantern
Strength 8  1
Dexterity 14 +2 Feats and Talents
Constitution 13 +1 Fire Resistance (5)
Intelligence 12 +1 Resistance to Poison (+4)
Wisdom 18 +4 Exotic Spell (eldritch armor)
Charisma 8  1
Special Abilities
Hit Points and Armor Class Mindfire 4/day, 50-foot range
Hit Points 25 (4d6 damage [half subdual], DC 17, Will save neg)
AC 12 (14 with shield) Contact, sense thoughts, telekinesis (lesser) each 1/day
Flat-Footed AC 10 (12 with shield) Mindblade (standard action to create, subdual damage only)
Touch AC 12 Mind-affecting spells and effects last only half as long as
Saving Throws The Sight: Can identify class and level of creature studied
Save Modifier for 1 minute
Reflex +4
Fortitude +3 (+7 poison) Spell Slots Per Day
Will +9 Level Slots
0 4
Weapons and Damage 1 3
Weapons (+2 melee, +5 range) 2 2
Light crossbow +5 attack
1d8 damage Spells Readied
Mindblade longsword +2 touch attack 0-Level: contact, detect magic, lesser telekinesis,
1d6+5 damage minor illusion, sense thoughts
(subdual) 1st-Level: eldritch armor, compelling
command, mind stab, resistance
Skills 2nd-Level: levitate, read mind
Skill Modifier
Alchemy +9 Roleplaying Notes
Concentration +8 You see the big picture more clearly than
Heal +10 your friends. You're usually thinking two
Innuendo +9 steps ahead of everyone else and always
Knowledge (Magic) +9 concerned about the implications of your
Spellcraft +7 actions. This makes you cautious but, once
you've made up your mind, very determined.
Between Life and Death: Quickling Unfettered/Hawk Totem Warrior
Quickling Unfettered/Hawk Totem Warrior
Character Information Gear
Character Level: 5 +1 shortbow
Race: Quickling Faen Arrows (20)
Class: Unfettered2/Hawk Totem Warrior3 Longsword
Speed: 20 (run �5) Masterwork studded leather ( 1 armor check) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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