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Having the guys arrive like that had unsettled him completely. They were like family to him, and he
wanted to be a part of their action, but suddenly there was this huge, yawning gap, and he didn't know
himself. He didn't know what he wanted when this situation with Rachel was over. His career with the
military had satisfied a lot of needs, but he just didn't think soldiering was going to do it for him anymore.
He didn't know what would.
Beyond Rachel and the baby, that was.
A window shattered. The sharp report of a rifle punched through the sound of exploding glass.
Cullen was on the move, reaching for the sidearm he still kept in his bedside drawer, slamming the clip in
place as he loped out into the passage and down the stairs. His mind was working coldly, quickly. The
sounds had come from the south side of the house, facing the drive in. The vehicle he'd heard just minutes
before meant that someone had parked, then walked to his house before firing a shot.
As he raced out the back door in a crouch, Cullen registered the sounds of feet hitting the floor,
weapons being snapped together, and then silence broken by the faint familiar sounds of Blade and the
rest of the team forming up in a tight patrol line behind him.
Cullen caught a flash of movement ahead and hand-signalled back: two men. He could hear them,
panting, out of breath, their boots thudding on the gravel road. They reached their truck. One swore as
he stumbled and yanked on the door; then Cullen and the rest of the boys were positioning themselves
around the vehicle, guns brought up to bear.
"Put the weapon down," Cullen ordered curtly. "Then get away from the truck, real easy. Move too fast
and one of us might get nervous."
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One of the men swore, his hands shooting into the air. "Where the hell did all ofthem come from?" he
snarled at the unmistakable figure of FrankTrask . "You said it would just behim . And maybe some
Blade stepped forward and picked up the shotgun. He motioned Ben and Carter to move in and frisk
the men. "You boys are lucky it wasn't just Cullen," he said mildly. "We're all nicer than him."
West and Blade covered the men, while Cullen sorted through the contents of the truck and found a
length of rope. "Anyone got a knife?"
Four hands shot into various stash places and produced gleaming blades. "Oh, man," Cullen muttered,
"don't you guys ever take a break? I thought you were on leave."
"Bein' on leave doesn't mean we have to walk around naked," Carter muttered, flipping his fighting knife
through the air. Cullen caught it with smooth expertise, cut two lengths of rope, then quickly and expertly
tied the two men's hands behind their backs.
Carter spun the men around and pushed them into the side of the truck. He wasn't gentle. "And seein' as
how your neighbours are so friendly," he continued, shooting a glance at Cullen, "maybe you should be
consideringyour wardrobe."
Blade pulled a cell phone from the pocket of hiscutoffs . "Who do I call?" he asked Cullen.
Cullen gave him Dan Holt's number.
Blade stabbed some numbers, waited, then spoke tersely before flipping the phone closed and shoving it
back into his pocket. "He'll be here ASAP."
Trask'shead came up at the announcement. The glazed look on both the prisoners' faces was fading fast,
now that the banter was over and the prospect of an official end to their night's work was in sight.
After a tense interval, a vehicle sounded in the distance. Seconds later Dan Holt's police car crunched to
a halt. His eyes narrowed on all the firepower surrounding the two cowering men. He centred onTrask ,
then glanced sharply at Cullen. "Looks like a war zone."
"Just a few friends up for some hunting,"Cullen replied.
Dan lifted his eyebrows. "Yeah, right. SAS I presume?"
Five faces went blank.
"Okay."He sighed, dragging a notebook out of his pocket and flipping it open. "Fill me in, boys."
Cullen gave him a terse outline of events. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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