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Between Life and Death
Dire masterwork swordaxe +9 attack 2 21d8+8 damageJavelin +4 attack Spells Readied1d6+3 damage 0-Level: bash, canny effort, detect magic, ghost sound, hygiene1st-Level: mind stab, precise vision, safe fall, lesser transferSkills woundsSkill Modifier 2nd-Level: ...

James Doohan Flight Engineer Volume 1 The Rising
of datachips flipped up. No doubt the personnel records on his staff, as wellas reports on the functioning of his department. He started to draw the chairup, then stopped and looked at his duffle.I ought to at least unpack my dress uniform so that the wrinkles will ...

Anne McCaffrey Pern 00 Dolphins' Bell
Thinking on how well they had sur-vived this recurrent menace, Jim hauledhimself back on board, stowed his hat within easy reach, dried off and orderedsail hoisted again."The enemy has been met and& consumed," he muttered, grinning to himself athis paraphrase as he ...

Fiona Brand Cullen's Br
Having the guys arrive like that had unsettled him completely. They were like family to him, and hewanted to be a part of their action, but suddenly there was this huge, yawning gap, and he didn't knowhimself. He didn't know what he wanted when this situation with Rachel was ...

 Please don t take him, I forced a tear. She smiled again. Bitch.  I need to use the restroom. I thinkI m going to be sick. I got up and quickly walked to the bathroom at the back of the little tearoom. Iducked inside and locked the door. I opened my purse and pushed rewind on the ...

Amy Lane [Green's Hill Werewolves 01] Yearning [Torquere] (pdf)
the bruised nipple that lay under Max s old white T-shirt, starting a tingle that grabbed Teague s groin in both hands.Abruptly, the sexual desire that had been teasing Teague all day what, between Jacky, Katy, and the Lady of thehouse-- burgeoned into something so full ...

Breeds 11 Jacob's Faith
I m fine. I told you I was.He eased into the water, then drew her down between his thighs. Faith relaxedagainst his chest with a sigh. She was tired, ready to sleep the rest of the day away. Itwas rare that her body and her mind were relaxed enough for her to do so. You frighten me, ...

Graham Masterton Kostnica
Dań był nieprzytomny. Przy nim siedziała pielęgniarka. Obserwowała jego puls, oddech i ciśnienie krwi. Jarvispodszedł i uniósł mu powieki, sprawdzając, czy jest jakaś reakcja. Twarz Dana była biała, wyglądał jak cień.Jego oddech ciągle był taki ...

Foley Ewa Zakochaj się w życiu
otwarci, szczerzy, życzliwi, serdeczni.Krykiet na placu CzerwonymJest też czas na zabawę. Pewnego porankajedziemy na Plac Czerwony. Staję najego środku zdumiona tymi okrągłymi kopułami, kolorowymi dachami i tłumemturystów. Nagle tłum się rozsuwa, bo ...

Nawiązywanie kontaktów społecznych
okres uzale\niania się trwa kilka lub kilkanaście lat.Czynniki biologiczne  istnieje biologiczna podatność dziedziczenia pewnychpredyspozycji do powstawania uzale\nienia.Podwy\szone ryzyko uzale\nienia wynika z biologicznej konstytucji ...

Anthony, Piers Tyrant 03 Politician
Megan. My captors had intended to compromise me completely; they had succeeded partially.I had to memorize the speech. It was an astonishing one. It was a promise to benefit all constituents,right all wrongs, and make the planet a better place instantly. All criminals were ...

Jack Vance Dying Earth 03 Cugel's Saga
venture so far out along the caravan trails?"Clissum, rolling his eyes to the sky, spoke in his richest tones: "As I spendthe seconds of my life on this dying world, I am never dismal nor sodden withwoe! There is too much glory, too much wonder! I am a pilgrim on a life-longquest; ...

A regi vilag szellemes asszonya Gonda Bela
a mqv�szi ipart is rendk�v�l fellend�tette saz emberek t�zezreinek adott kenyeret. Mikor 88azonban a f�nyqz�s �s a pazarl�s m�r telje-sen elfajult, amikor ha n�h�ny t�zezernek ju-tott is keny�r, de millióknak �s millióknakm�r nem, akkor term�szetesen kit�rt a ...

489. Fox Susan Uwiedzenie zlosnicy
najnaturalniejszego w świecie, choć wbrew pozorom wcale nie takczęsto spotykanego, czyli po prostu prawdziwa męskość? -nasunęły się jej po chwili już znacznie dojrzalsze i rozsądniejszeprzypuszczenia.Tak czy inaczej, to tajemnicze  coś" ...

Cartland_Barbara_ _Ĺťyciowa_rola
właśnie powinna wyglądać rezydencja księcia.- Teraz mogę ci przedstawić Rock - powiedział książę powoli. - Jestembardzo ciekaw, co o nim myślisz.-Jest... jeszcze piękniejszy, niż się spodziewałam -odparła Helga - i za-czynam być autentycznie ...

Beast of the Heartland and Othe Lucius Shepard(1)
Lakers fan. Then the A s start winnin , and... I told you, man, I lived four years in Oakland. Big fuckin deal! I lived in Houston, and I ain t no Astros fan. What d be the point? They re even more pathetic than the Sox. Goddamn it! I don t hafta take this crap! Carnes ...

Clark Lucy Diagnoza
czynce. - Chodzmy, poczytam ci przy śniadaniu.- Jak co dzień?RLT - No właśnie.- Super. Ale czyja mogę iść na śniadanie ze złamaną ręką?- Jasne, że tak - odparła, biorąc Simone za rączkę. - Damy wam chwilę spo-koju - dodała, zwracając się do ...

Jeffrey Lord Blade 23 Empire of Blood
Like most pirates Blade had seen, the pirates of Nongai had given themselves adramatic and not particularly accurate name.The man seemed to frown and hesitate, then shouted back, "What is thatmessage?""We would bear it privately to the captains and to the Seven Brothers." ...

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